Friday, December 16, 2005

Week 15 NFL Not-so-Marquise Match Ups – Brought to you by Schmidt’s Gay

#3 – Cleveland at Oakland. First of all, what is the deal with the QB Battle in Oakland? Turner is going to keep switching starters – for what? To see which one of these guys can record the most meaningless wins possible? Give me a break man. Just get somebody to go in there and kneel on it at this point, be it Collins or Tuiasapoopoo and quit subjecting us to the pain. Whoever starts, they obviously aren’t going to throw it to Moss anyways, because of the league wide conspiracy to keep me out of the fantasy playoffs. Mission accomplished boys – go on with your business.

I like Cleveland in this one, 8-4.

#2 – Green Bay at Baltimore. This one is on prime time too folks, so Al and John can try to make some weak attempt at making this game appear to mean something. This is one of those games that you actually hope that they break in midway through the 3rd quarter with something like a white Bronco in a police chase on the interstate.

Something else to look forward to – 85% of all conversation hovering around whether or not Brett Favre will come back next year. I have also heard a rumor that they are cutting the Tim McGraw segment of halftime, in favor of airing the uncut, uncensored documentary about the hard time done by 13 of the Raven’s starters over the past 5 years.

Take Favre and the Packers – because you know that Brett Favre is a warrior and will never give up and will play every game to the bone and is a nothing but a gun slinger and is a natural born winner and is a leader of men and is the consummate professional and he will never be equaled…14-6.

And the unquestioned toilet bowl of the week….

#1 – Arizona at Houston. You want to talk about a sad state of affairs, then look no further. No one has been more over-hyped than this year’s Arizona Cardinals, as all I heard in the preseason was that Arizona was poised to take the NFC West and do some damage in the playoffs. Wow. You know when you are playing Super Tecmo Bowl and the guy you are playing picks the exact play you picked – how it is like someone unleashed the flood gates of hell and you lose 27 yards as soon as you snap the ball? That is pretty much what happens every time Arizona calls a running play. Another ironic thing about Super Tecmo; guess what team you would never ever choose when you play that game…Arizona – which was actually Phoenix at the time. And that was like 18 years ago, and nothing has changed.

Now the topper. We have franchises that are this inept – and we still feel the need for expansion. Cue the Texans fight song please. Screw up upon screw up, this has been a nightmare from the start. You can’t debate whether or not it is David Carr’s fault because we have never seen the guy go more than 3 consecutive snaps without getting his face mask busted in half. Hard to pick up your pride when you are too busy picking up your teeth.

The unfortunate part is that someone will be dubbed a “winner” after this one. 89 pass attempts and 17 DCarr sacks later, I like Arizona, 21-5.


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12:52 AM  

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